Fit for Growth*

We help the world’s top companies get leaner, stronger, and more ready for growth.

Enabling growth with cost transformation and operational improvement

Is your company ready to tackle the intense challenges that business faces today? 

Our Fit for Growth* approach is a proven model for unlocking performance that helps companies manage their cost in a more strategic way, allowing them to cut costs and grow stronger at the same time.

See more on how it works

The Fit for Growth Index

A quantitative measure of how well a company connects its cost and growth agendas.

Measuring a company’s capacity to grow: The Fit for Growth Index

Measuring a company’s capacity to grow: The Fit for Growth Index

In this video, PwC’s Strategy& leader Vinay Couto discusses how the Fit for Growth approach helps companies gain a competitive edge.

3 ingredients to fuel sustainable growth

3 ingredients to fuel sustainable growth

In this video, Strategy&’s Vinay Couto explains how assessing your company’s Fit for Growth Index can help better position your company for high performance and sustainable growth.

Fit for Growth Index profiler

Fit for Growth Index profiler

Determine your company’s Fit for Growth Index score and compare its "fitness" level against competitors’ using this easy-to-use profiler.

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