Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in South Asia. Over the past decade, Bangladesh’s economy has grown at an annual rate of around 6% which is better than the growth rate of many other Asian economies. The Government of Bangladesh now aims to achieve the status of a ‘middle-income country’ by 2021 and that of a ‘high-income country’ by 2041. It is well known that electricity plays a vital role in poverty eradication, sustained economic growth, infrastructure development and security of any country. Thus, Bangladesh will need to address the barriers to higher growth posed by low access to reliable and affordable power, limited availability of serviced land, rapid urbanisation, vulnerability to climate change and natural disasters, etc., to achieve its socioeconomic growth targets.
This report provides our views on the megatrends in the global power sector and how they will impact Bangladesh in its power sector transformation journey. It is important for stakeholders (the government, regulators, utilities, investors and development partners) to assess their strategy and implement the changes they need to make in time or, even better, ahead of time. The report provides suggested actions for Bangladesh on thematic areas such as government and regulations, financing and investments, renewable energy, and technology in which disruptions are impacting the country’s power sector.