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To understand and explore how the ecosystem of customers in the insurance industry is evolving, in 2019, PwC conducted a survey and discussion with around 200 respondents from stakeholder groups in the Insurance industry in India - customers, agents and insurers. Further, we gathered the perspectives of all stakeholders on how the industry is working towards meeting customer expectations and how emerging technologies can help in bridging the gap.
Across industries, the focus is shifting from a product-driven approach to customer-driven strategies, and the insurance industry is no exception. With technology advancements and their growing adoption, every user segment is now becoming more aware and demanding and they are benchmarking service delivery against not only other segments the of financial services industry but also across other industries such as retail, travel and entertainment.
New technology gives rise to new capabilities and processes should be redesigned accordingly to reduce wastage and delight customers. Merely adopting technology and automating processes will not eliminate inefficiencies. A change in approach is needed whereby technology is viewed as a fundamental business tool rather than an operational and process tool. The natural inhibition in a regulated industry can be dispensed with if organisations work with all stakeholders, including regulators and the Government. In this context, the healthy interest regulators are showing in sandboxes bodes well for the industry.
The modern insurance customer prefers simple, customised and intuitive policies, an easy process and a simple and tangible cost breakup. Insurance providers have begun to appreciate this preference and have put the customer at the centre of product design, eliminating all poor experiences along the ‘moments of truth’ in his/ her insurance adoption journey. This shift in product design from product to human-centric design is a fundamental shift in the Indian insurance industry.