The rising literacy rate in India, which is expected to reach 90% by 2020 will be the driving force for growth in the sector. The e-books market will benefit from the fact that it can help consumers to access the right books in the right language.
In stark contrast to developed Western markets, Indian news publishing remains in good health. India is a market that is undamaged by digital disruption but is also quickly taking advantage of online opportunities.
Although Indian newspaper circulation was overtaken by China's for the world's largest in 2013, it continues to be a global newspaper powerhouse and an emerging seat of industry strength.
The Indian newspaper market is rich and diverse, with titles published in Hindi, English and a range of other languages in all regions. English-language audiences are steadily migrating from print to online.
Piracy is prevalent in the Indian book market, which will increase as more consumers get access to e-reading devices.
Due to availability of free content online, it has become extremely difficult to monetize digital content in terms of news publishing and magazines. Also, not many consumers have credit cards to pay for the digital content, which provides another hindrance to revenue generation.
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