India has been identified as one of the important music markets in Asia, although piracy has been a hindrance to growth in the recorded music business.
In terms of live performance, infrastructure has been slow to reach international touring standards. Despite the complexities, India's overall music market is growing, with a groundswell of investment, a rise in support for the streaming models and a maturing live market.
Blocking of copyright-infringing websites has been authorized in India, allowing certain websites to be blocked in the country. In a development seen as a major win for songwriters, composers and musicians working in the Indian film industry, the Copyright Act (Amendment) Bill 2012 was passed in India's Lower House of Parliament in May 2012. The amendments also specify that it will now be mandatory for broadcasters to pay a royalty to the owners of the copyright each time a work of art is broadcast. The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) supported the amendments. The bill also bans cover versions of copyright work for five years from the date of first recording, giving an almost "first to market" advantage for the original creation.
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