India has the third-largest mobile internet market worldwide.
Mobile internet usage is steadily advancing and will grow rapidly in the next few years due to increased availability and affordability of 3G/4G networks and devices.
There is an increasing interest for video ads in India as online video consumption continues to rise and more publishers offer video inventory. Paid search, display advertising and mobile internet advertising are significant components of mobile internet advertising in India.
The fixed broadband market in India is underdeveloped, although significant investments are being made in new infrastructure. The Indian government is aiming to foster the development of the country's fixed broadband sector by deploying a 500,000km fibre backbone network to connect 250,000 village councils nationwide.
TRAI has recently recommended grant of 100 MB of free data for mobile phone subscribers in rural areas. These government incentivized data schemes would help increase internet penetration in the country.
With cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore amongst others, being one of the first few to get public Wi-Fi in select areas, there is still a long way to go in terms of large scale implementation across the country.
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