The DIDS platform assisted in improving the welfare scheme management in the state of Assam. It provided citizens with direct access to scheme information and benefits and eliminated intermediaries. The implementation of DIDS streamlined the management of welfare programmes helping the State Government of Assam to check if the benefits of their respective schemes reached to the eligible recipients. Moreover, the DIDS platform maintained a detailed beneficiary database to assist in improving welfare delivery. The implementation of the platform also increased digital governance and transparency.
Impact of the DIDS platform
By October 2024, the DIDS platform successfully integrated over 12 schemes, drafting an exhaustive social registry of around 2.34 crore citizens. This improved the beneficiary data management and enabled approximately INR 350 crore in monthly disbursements.
The platform improved the application process by reducing verification time from three months to three weeks and disbursement time from 25 days to seven days. Additionally, the platform enforced 100% paperless operations which reduced resource costs by nearly 70%. It also helped in identifying around 2.3% duplicate beneficiaries.
The DIDS platform directly benefited over 20 lakh women through a financial assistance scheme. Furthermore, it also facilitated in providing scholarships and loan subsidies for 1000 plus students. It also helped citizens with respect to various disaster management programs. The system also improved transparency and reduced the time period with respect to benefits of the various schemes of the State Government of Assam reaching to the citizens.