We use the PwC Professional framework across the PwC network to clearly identify the attributes and behaviors our people need to help achieve our purpose –to build trust in society and solve important problems. It’s our global leadership development framework which exists to support an individual in development and career progression at each level.
We seek to hire people who are great at what they do and bring our behaviours to life in how they do it. Our PwC Professional framework guides us to work together to create a better tomorrow. Together, Trusted Leadership and Distinctive Outcomes are how we deliver on our purpose and strategy, serving our clients and living our values in every interaction, everyday. The PwC Professional framework defines the behaviours we’re all expected to demonstrate at PwC and what we look for in our future talent.
Trusted Leadership is a set of behaviours that prioritise the way we achieve outcomes.
These behaviours enable us to deliver for ourselves, our clients and the communities in which we serve. We demonstrate behaviours that prioritise building trust and delivering sustained outcomes. We are courageous when things are tough. We are objective and honest. We challenge our assumptions and show up differently, with new skills, in times of change.
Distinctive Outcomes is a set of behaviours that enables us to bring our collective expertise, collaboration and inclusiveness to our stakeholders.
These behaviours are rooted in our commitment to excellence and are a result of challenging old assumptions and taking on new opportunities. We take pride in our responsibility to deliver outcomes rooted in our heritage of quality and integrity. After all, our outcomes are only distinctive if they inspire, add value, meaning and purpose, and can be trusted.
Are you ready to be a PwC Professional?
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