I joined the firm in August 1985 and within a day or two of joining, I had my first experience of working late hours. I worked till around midnight on the first day, and we were all working till about 3am over the next few days.
My next assignment was in Nepal. Apart from Kathmandu we had to travel to various towns across the country. At one place we could not find any public transport to travel and had to flag down and travel in a truck from one town to the next. I worked mostly on outstation assignments which helped me gain a lot of knowledge and experience.
On qualifying, I was offered the position of an assistant manager which I gladly accepted. In the subsequent years, I worked with some of the firm's largest/international clients of the time.
It is a matter of great pride for me that I got to conduct a variety of assignments, including many interesting assignments though testing at times, and also perform various roles with the firm.
Whatever I know professionally, I learnt it at PwC.
I was also given the opportunity to work in various roles and various types of assignments starting with Learning & Development. Another colleague and I were sent to PwC’s Asia Pacific L&D centre in Hong Kong in 1992. I was also given an opportunity to work on valuation assignments and due diligence assignments at an early age which I continued to do till about one year before I left the Firm.
In 1995, I went on a secondment to PwC Australia’s Sydney office and worked on interesting assignments such as an investigation and corporatisation of a large public sector undertaking.
I became a partner in 1997 and continued to take on a number of prestigious senior roles within the firm.
When I joined the firm, the Delhi office was quite small and that allowed everyone to come to know each other and develop friendship and strong bonds which I still carry. I made numerous friends in PwC though most of them are now alumni. I hope we are able to meet and interact more often either physically or virtually.
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