"In January this year I severely injured my knee, an injury that was sure to put an end to my running journey.
The weeks that followed were some of the most trying times of my entire life. It wasn't the pain or the physiotherapy that troubled me. It was the thought of not being able to run during my weeks of recovery. People said I was lucky to be making a recovery, that I shouldn't try running again.
That’s when I discovered a whole new perspective of looking at things. I decided to think differently.
People have two choices when faced with an impossible challenge. Give up or Gear up. I chose to Gear up.
Not allowed to run during physiotherapy?
No problem, I began to learn swimming instead.
Unable to run full marathons with a recovering knee?
I reimagined my possibilities and started working towards becoming a triathlete.
Couldn't run at the same pace after recovery?
I reduced the pace, but still went the distance.
What everybody else saw as a setback became a milestone in my life.
It helped me challenge the expected and develop a passion for swimming and cycling.
Most importantly, it helped me show myself as an individual how I could reimagine the possible."
In conversation with #PwCite Shveta Verma, a true embodiment of PwC's core values and principles.
Arnab Dey's story on pursuing his passion for shooting despite facing a roadblock and reimagining the possible.
Kiran Kumar Tupalli's story on how riding helps him look at life in a whole new light and reimagine the possible.
Shashank Tripathi's story on how he is striving to make a difference to the country every single day.
Mohammed Asif Iqbal, a #PwCite who shows the world what it means to care about every single individual out there.
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