8,000 kms. 400 participants. 1 train. A journey of a lifetime.
Almost 10 years ago when this endeavour began, there I was, standing amidst an atmosphere full of determination, positivity and a sense of purpose, thanks to the 400 young participants aboard a train hurtling along the length and breadth of the country.
The transformational journey of the Azad Bharat Rail Yatra that I had organised back then, to celebrate 50 years of India’s independence, the book I wrote in 2007 ('India, A Journey through a Healing Civilization') about that journey and my dream to make a difference brought me to begin the journey of a lifetime, Jagriti Yatra.
Jagriti Yatra’s vision is simple - building India through enterprise. Enterprises powered by the youth are the future backbone of the country.
"One journey can make a difference."
I’ve always been an explorer. and I believe that to build a country of substance, we must venture out of our comfort zones and explore the country as much as possible. Thus, began an 18-day train journey accompanied by a great team and determined youngsters to explore various parts of the country, and truly understand how to build India through enterprise.
Today, I take immense pride in knowing that this initiative has impacted 4,200 lives in the past few years. These inspirational alumni of the Yatra have gone on to create almost 1,000 enterprises, providing jobs and employment to so many others.
This year may mark the 10th Anniversary of the Yatra, but to me it marks the beginning of another decade of improving and developing our country and building a nation that the coming generations will be proud of.
As I say every year, the journey has just begun.
In conversation with Shashank Tripathi, a PwCite striving to make a difference to the country every single day.
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