Analyst Relations

Find out why we are the pre-eminent strategy through execution firm in the marketplace and what analysts are saying about us.

Our analyst relations (AR) programme develops and expands relationships with leading business technology and industry analysts worldwide. We help provide the analyst community with differentiating insight into PwC’s business through facilitating research and providing line of sight across global lines of service. This helps educate analysts in support of their assessments, opinions, reports, and references to PwC. Analyst research and commentary, in turn, provides PwC and the public—including current and prospective clients—objective, third-party validation of our market-leading position and capabilities.

Analyst Relations Programme

Reimagining the deployment of rooftop solar panels for NRED

Developing an innovative policy on decentralised renewable energy for the New & Renewable Energy Department (NRED) of the Government of Madhya Pradesh

Transforming Hikal’s IT landscape to be future ready

Hikal, India’s leading pharmaceuticals and chemical company, had a system that was not meeting the current business requirements; nor was it ready for GST compliance. It was on the lookout for a partner who could advise and help chalk out its IT transformation roadmap.

'Smart' implementation of technology for Bhopal

Developing a multifaceted dashboard to enhance the way public services are provided in Bhopal

Digital innovation in the face of regulatory change

Prudential Assurance Corporation Singapore (PACS, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of UK based Prudential plc) and PwC Singapore worked together to bring a new set of digital tools to the Singapore insurance marketplace.

PwC and Make-A-Wish collaborate

When the Make-A-Wish Foundation identified goals to raise more funds and grant more wishes by engaging contributors, they worked with PwC to create a solution. Coming together in PwC’s Miami-based Experience Centre they spent days talking user experience, storytelling and connection, to optimize and encourage the donor experience.

Centres for impact

The PwC Experience Centre

An integral blend of strategy, experience, design and technology expertise to support our clients.

Read more about The PwC Experience Centre

The PwC Experience Centre

Blockchain Lab

We help empower organisations to transform themselves, their clients, and society in a transparent manner.

Read more about Blockchain Lab

Blockchain Lab

Internet of Things (IoT) Lab

At the PwC Internet of Things (IoT) lab at Kolkata, we focus on research and development on business-led use cases and build reusable assets in the IoT space. We simulate, design, develop and test industrial use cases that include the Operational Technology (OT) component, Information Technology (IT) component, security and visualisation.

Read more about IoT Lab

Internet of Things (IoT) Lab

Cyber Protection Centre

Our dedicated state-of-the-art Cyber Protection Centres (CPC) are hosted in Hyderabad, Gurgaon and Kolkata. A part of Managed Security Services (MSS), CPC is a secure facility designed to maintain situational awareness.

Read more about Cyber Protection Centre

Cyber Protection Centre

Data & Analytics Centre of Excellence

Imagine having advanced business analytics that give you the ability to see and predict everything, everywhere. Every interaction with customers. Every moving part in your supply chain. Every financial transaction, anywhere in the world.

Read more about Data & Analytics Centre of Excellence

Data & Analytics Centre of Excellence


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Verdantix report: PwC named a Global Leader in Sustainability and ESG Business Services
PwC rated by Forrester as a Leader for Global Cybersecurity Consulting


PwC rated by Forrester as a Leader for Global Cybersecurity Consulting

PwC continues its position as a leader in the Asia/Pacific cyber-consulting
PwC’s strengths lie with its ability to think globally and deliver locally

Read more about why PwC is a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Professional Security Services 2022.

PwC’s strengths lie with its ability to think globally and deliver locally

Contact us

Rituparno Mukhopadhyay

Rituparno Mukhopadhyay

Partner and Co-Leader, Customer Transformation, PwC India

Rob Donnelly

Rob Donnelly

Global Analyst & Advisor Relations Leader, PwC United States

Tel: +1 (917) 471 3355

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