The share of urban population has risen from 18% in 1961 to 31% in 2011.
Children aged up to six years form more than 11.5% of the total urban population.
In urban areas, children comprise approximately 32% of the population of 377 million.
In the last decade, almost 22 million Indians migrated from rural to urban areas.
By 2040-50, Indian cities will account for 50% of the total population of the country. Also, their share in India’s GDP will grow to 75% by 2030. Indian cities will be home to 37% of future adults in the country, 120 million of whom will be living in urban spaces, mainly in slums, on and off the streets as well as in shelters. This number will only grow and is estimated to reach around 180 million by 2030
The report titled 'Forgotten voices: the world of urban children in India' is a joint report by PwC India and Save the Children India. In our report, we focus on the needs of urban Indian children, especially the deprived children living on the streets and slums, working children and orphans. The report looks at key issues such as urban governance, health, nutrition, water and sanitation, education, child protection and urban resilience. The report suggests practical solutions that decision makers can implement for an inclusive, child-friendly and equitable urban development.
The report envisions to initiate a vigorous discussion among the policy makers, urban planners, government bodies, NGOs and corporates on how these forgotten voices can be heard and their needs addressed.
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